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Testing Instruments Factory, LLC modernizes and repairs testing equipment previously released from production
Production of our goods on the territory of the Russian Federation is confirmed by the conclusion of Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia according to expert opinion of Ivanovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry   Read more...
Since June 2016 our factory has extended a warranty period for its products
up to 2 years

IP 5150-50

Asphalt concrete compression testing machine

Allows you to determine the tensile strength of the material under compression in accordance with GOST 12801. It is possible to test other materials within the technical characteristics of the machine. It is mounted on vibration mounts; a special foundation is not required.
The drive is electromechanical, the test cycle and the processing of the results are fully automated.
Management - from the operator’s console in a dialogue mode, the results are displayed on the LCD.

The basic model of the machine allows you to determine the following characteristics of materials:
- limit of compressive strength;
- split tensile strength.

Under an additional contract are delivered:
- special crimping device according to the Marshall scheme for determining the characteristics of shear resistance of the material;
- device for determining the ultimate tensile strength in bending and strain indicators;
- a software and hardware complex (computer, software, printer) that provides processing of controlled parameters and test schedules.

In addition, the machine can be equipped:
- thermostabilized bath for testing samples from asphalt concrete IM 5159;
- shear device and other devices according to customer specifications.

Range of test loads, kN
from 0 to 50
Load measurement error
          from 2 kN to the upper limit, of the measured value, %
          less than 2 kN, N
The speed of movement of the upper support, mm/min
0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1; 2; 3; 5; 10; 20; 50; 80 и 100
Working stroke of the upper support, mm
Range of measurement of the course of the upper support, mm
          during compression test
from 0 to 300
          when tested by Marshall
from 0 to 10
Width of working space, mm
Maximum power, kW (power)
1,2 (ЗN, 380V, 50 Hz)
Overall dimensions, mm
650 x 1000 x 1700
Machine weight, kg