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Testing Instruments Factory, LLC modernizes and repairs testing equipment previously released from production
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MIP-1 5035

Spring testing machine for loads up to 1kN

The machine is used for static testing of coil cylindrical springs for compression and tension and flat springs for double-support bending, as well as for sorting springs in production conditions.

The machine works on the principle of predetermined deformation. As a measuring device, a reference electronic dynamometer is used.

The machine is made in the desktop version.

The machine has: a built-in reverser, which increases the ease of maintenance and allows you to have constant readiness of the machine for compression and tensile tests; single strain gauge.

It is possible to remove the full characteristics of the spring in one stroke. It is possible to test the springs on mandrels.

Types of tests compression, tension, bending
type of drive electromechanical and manual
Range of measurement of load, N from 1 to 1000
The price of the division of the load meter, N 2
Range of measurement of height of the compressed spring, mm from 0 to 500
Range of measurement of the length of the extended spring, mm from 80 to 500
Movement speed without load of the upper support (capture), mm/s 20±2
The greatest distance between the supports during the compression test, between the grips during the tensile test and the largest stroke of the upper support (gripper), not less than, mm 500
The machine provides cyclic loading of springs  
Maximum power, kW (power) 0,2 (3N, 380V, 50Hz)
Overall dimensions, mm (length x width x height) 850x600x1150
Weight, kg 180