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Testing Instruments Factory, LLC modernizes and repairs testing equipment previously released from production
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up to 2 years

IH 5128

Wire bending testing machine

The machine is designed to test the wire of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys for inflection according to GOST 1579.

The principle of operation of the machine is based on the fact that one end of the sample is clamped between the jaws of the vice and bent to the right and left by 90° until it breaks or until the number of swings that meets the technical specifications for metal products is reached. The number of bends that the specimen has withstood characterizes its quality.

It consists of the following main nodes:

  • lever drive,
  • carriages,
  • damper,
  • vise,
  • control panel,
  • fencing.

All nodes are mounted on a common plate.

Execution - desktop.

The number of simultaneously tested samples 1
Bend arm range, mm from 15 to 50
Diameters of test samples, mm from 0.5 to 5
The angle of deviation of the lever to the right and left of the vertical, deg. 90 + 3
Sample preload force, N from 20 to 60
Lever swing frequency, min-1 57±3
The error of counting the total number of kinks 1 inflection
The gap between the rollers in the machine with closed jaws, mm 0,2 + 0,05
The distance from the upper generatrix of the rollers to the center of rotation of the lever, mm 1±0,2
Maximum power, kW (power) 0,5 (3N, 380V, 50Hz)
Overall dimensions, mm, (length x width x height) 800х570х400
Weight, kg 100